That's me. I'm an over-eater. I've tried to get a handle on it since I am trying to lose weight afterall. Today I did pretty good.... but then since it was summer I decided to indulge in some summer "treats". Fresh watermelon and homemade iced tea. (and yes, that is a Hungry Girl book on the coffee table. Good stuff, you should read it and/or visit the website.)

The problem is... I over ate. Too much watermelon and too many bagel chips. Now I'm too stuffed (I hate that feeling) and bloated from all the sodium in the bagel chips. Blah.
Bad, chubby girl, bad!
Oh well... learned my lesson for next time. (hopefully)
Now I'm off to sit outside in this lovely 95 degree heat we have going on here in Cincinnati and watch the Reds and the White Sox.
Well, at least it was on healthy stuff. It could have been worse right?
Well, you would think that the water from the watermelon would counteract the sodium in the chips...
Do you have a food scale? Everything I eat is weighed on my scale. That way I'm not tempted to over-do it.
Bad thing is that it could be looked on as a crutch, I suppose.
Your watermelon looks delish.
I ate half a watermellon last night because I was having a snack was good but hit me this afternoon too much fibre I guess...
I could eat an entire watermelon in one sitting. Especially with a heat wave! lol :)
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