Yup, I tried to resist... but I fell off the wagon again this weekend. Friday I did great. Saturday started out great, but then it was just all downhill. I had a great time with my 2 pregnant friends (and the 18 month old daughter of one of them) though.
I can't take it back, so it's time to just start over and get back on the wagon again. Tomorrow is a new day. I partially blame my weakness on the baby. I was distracted from my healthy diet by her cuteness! haha. (Excuses, excuses...)

It's nice to know you're human and not some weight loss robot. And, dude, that baby is deliciously adorable! She'd cause me to gain a few as well.
It happens to us all; don't beat yourself up :) My mantra has been, "there's always tomorrow"...
New day. Clean slate. You can do it :)
You'll get your mojo back this week.
Okay, that is one cute toddler...really cute.
Life happens, start fresh. Think about what you can do differently next time that cutie diverts your attention from healthy food choices. ;-)
I'm pretty jealous of her style! Not every toddler can pull off shades like she can (;
Don't worry, enjoy your fresh start. Every day you try is a day better than it would have been if you hadn't <3
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