Sunday, March 1, 2009

I've been tagged....

Yup, my BFF, Anna (a.k.a.- Mrs B.) has tagged me for this little activity.

Here were the rules: Open the folder with all of your photos. Open your 6th photo folder. Take your 6th photo in that folder and blog it. Write something about it. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.

However, I don't think I really have anybody else to tag left. So, I'm skipping that part for now.

Here's the photo:

This pic is from July of 2008. This is at the Jimmy Buffet concert... which was the Most. Fun. I. EVER. Had! We were outside before the concert where there was like a little lawn festival/party going on. From right to left: Mrs. B, me, Tonja, and Tonja's boyfriend Jason.

Good times were had by all!