Sunday, June 28, 2009

Moving on....

Not gonna lie... this weekend I have ate a TON of terrible stuff. (which as mentioned in my previous post, I believe is some form of self-sabotage.) However, now I'm hoping to get back on track... again and move past it. I ate so much bad stuff that today I actually started to crave healthy things.

In happier/healthier news... Last week I had bought some 100 calorie packs of almonds and walnuts mixed. They were pretty good. It made me realize how much I loved almonds. I had no idea! So, this time when I went to the store I decided to just get the packs with only almonds. Then I saw these...

Oh My Goodness..... these are currently the bright spot of my whole weekend! Delicious!
Other than that, I had a pretty relaxing weekend. Friday night I went out to dinner with the BFF and Natalie, then we played a little Rock Band, which was pretty darn fun. I was bad and had one of these at dinner. It was huge! (and tasty.)


Anonymous said...

good job, dont give up! The only thing you can do is start over tomorrow!!!